What is a Street Team? Basically, it's a grass-roots organization that helps promote an identity and offers a place to share the enthusiasm. Street Teams started with music bands - where record companies offered promotional materials and members scored points based on their efforts as logged in to the network or home base.
I'm still in the development stage of the GPP Street Team. It's not going to be like a design team. Rather, I'd like to have this site be about posting your artwork following prompts - (not just using GPP stamps). Many customers send me emails with photos of their beautiful work and I simply don't have enough memory on my other sites to host all the Guest Gallery offerings. Typepad is a great tool for creating comments and links to your own sites.
We'll have some contests with some prizes....but it won't get up and running for a while. I'll announce on my main blog when it's ready to launch.
As you may have read, I am a Street Team Member for the band HIM. It's been a blast meeting my local members and sharing our obsession. As a member I was able to meet the band earlier this year - so cool! I hope that my GPP Street Team will be as fun - creating a network of kindred spirits.