I want to thank all of you who entered for sending your wonderful birthday wishes! Our winner for this Street Team Give-Away is Maj Hoenborg from Germany. The cool thing about having a blog is the people you get to connect with from around the globe. Maj and I struck up a friendship when I posted a request for grave dirt some time ago and she first wrote and asked if I was serious, and then when she went home to her native Denmark she actually got me some grave dirt from Hans Christian Andersen. Now How Cool Is That? Congrats to you Maj, prize package on it's way soon. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
Thanks again everyone! We had nearly 1000 hits in the last few days but only 30 comments that qualified for the drawing. So good for you....and what were those lurkers thinking? Free stuff is free stuff, and it's cool stuff too! Now back to work on your Cheap Tricks, let's see them!