Ta-Da! You did it! Thank you to all the crusaders who came to play along last month, and for sharing your accomplishments. It was fun to see your singular achievements as well as your long lists of completed tasks, assignments, projects and goals. I hope the exercise made you feel not only satisfaction, but motivation for the full year before us.
This month's challenge is inspired by Valentine's Day. We get to celebrate the love we have for partners, family, and friends. I hope you also indulge in some self-love...like taking a day, or just a few hours, to enjoy some creativity time. I'm thinking it will be interesting to reflect on all the things we love. People in our lives, things we like to do, places we like to visit, food we love to eat, art supplies we can't live without - that kind of stuff. You can make lists of favorites, or focus on a singular subject. You can be serious and sentimental, or simple and sweet. You choose. Make some declarations. This will give us a chance to get to know you better, and maybe we will learn about something that we will love too.
Download GPP C60 declarations for print
I've just pulled out my journal to start thinking about my declarations of love. Not quite sure how I will go about it yet. Might go with grids like we did in Crusade No. 41 (revisit HERE).
EDIT: To illustrate that you don't have to be comprehensive in your declarations, you can just pick one thing - here are two spreads that express my love for some basic things. It's fun to have them documented in my journal. Some day I may look back and say "what is a K-cup?"
Easy, right? Decide the angle you are going to take and get started. Pick one thing, like maybe a favorite tool or art supply, and use it on the page, label it, and write a little bit about it so when you look back (years from now) you'll recall why the item was so important to you. Read a great book lately that you adored? Share that. Tried a new recipe that you LOVE, share that. Brimming with love for your partner? Share that (of course you maintain the right to keep the details private by tucking them out-of-sight). Declare what you love....and have a great month!