If you purchased Painted Ladies, you'll notice there are three sizes of eggs. Whether you mount them or leave them unmounted it would be useful to label the back indicating the size. When you are searching for images to layer onto one another to create the speckled eggs you want to have eggs that match in size. It's a good way to keep organized and will prevent errors. After trimming the rubber, lay out by size, then label each size with a letter on the back of the rubber or your mount. (Once you try the "speckling your eggs" layered technique you may want to add additonal notes of your preferred order. For instance, A-1, A-2, A-3, etc.)
The idea for speckled egg stamps came to me when I found these soaps on this site, Gianna Rose Atelier. Take a look at all the yummy offerings they have. In addition to these egg soaps they have pears! I love anything with a pear scent. Not sure what the eggs would smell like but they sure are pretty, aren't they?
Another update on rubber deliveries: Romeo and Prague have not arrived yet. If you ordered one of these your package has been held and will go out next week. My manufacturer shipped these on Friday as well as the remainder of my order of Painted Ladies and Crow About. I've packed as much as I can until I get the rest of the inventory here. Thanks for your patience. As I said before, the response to the new collection has been wild and my guy is pressing alot of rubber!