I should type this in all upper case letters so you know I'M SCREECHING WITH EXCITEMENT! Just this afternoon I spoke with Chris who confirmed she had indeed gone and collected the grave dirt I had requested from the two cemeteries in California. CAN YOU STAND IT? And the girl is so dang clever, she took photos for evidence. (Because I'm certain there are many of you out there reading my posts on this topic with great skepticism....is that a word?) Before I start preparing the bottles that will embrace the dirt, I will share the photos Chris sent. DOESN'T SHE ROCK? Notice the dates on the photos - from TODAY!!!
Come on! Can you believe how cool this is? I met Chris on 9/27 when she wrote me an email. Her wit got my attention and I have enjoyed conversation with her both on the phone and via email. (Example: when she wrote me about possibly getting some dirt her post was called Digging Around, followed by Cloak and Digger. Who wouldn't be amused by that?) I swear this mission was her own idea, which makes it even more special. I'm truly touched that a new friend would take on such an extraordinary crusade. I'm not sure she even realized that my next HIM concert is only days away. Please join me in sending positive vibes to the postal paths that will get her dirt to me before Thursday night. CA to NJ. Hey, it can happen. IT WILL HAPPEN. The only uncertainty is HOW to get it to Ville. There is no planned Meet&Greet for this tour. I think stalking the tourbus will be on the agenda. I will flash my credentials, Street Team member, and Grave Dirt Crew.....and with more positive vibes from you I will get to deliver all FIVE BOTTLES of grave dirt. (Back-up plan: we also will be attending another HIM show 12/1, BUT I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG!!!)
So a 1000 thank yous to Chris for these two California dudes, to Ann who directed me to where I could get the dirt from France, and Maj who sent dirt from Denmark. I'll be back later this week to show you the preparations of the gifts.
P.S. About the coins on the headstone: apparently it's good manners to leave coins in exchange for collecting dirt (something I read on a witchcraft site....I'm NOT into THAT, but wanted to read more about those that collect dirt.) Not to be confused with the the throwing of pennies onto Benjamin Franklin's grave. Don't you think it's funny that he coined the phrase "A penny saved is a penny earned" and yet people toss pennies his way? I have read about many gravestones that have been left with coins or pebbles. Leaving pebbles is a jewish tradition....maybe the coins are a version of that? And in another place I read about coins being a symbol of having been there, or helping to pay passage into the next world. If you know anything about this tradition leave a comment and enlighten us all!
EDIT: See Chris's account HERE.