So this week Belinda posted her clever icicle dolls (her second entry of the Goth Crusade) and I swooned over them. In particular this one below, THAT ARRIVED IN MY MAILBOX about thirty seconds after I commented on her blog. You know what that means? She mailed it before I even saw it and SHE KNEW I would flip out over it. It was wrapped in this lovely parcel with very handsome postage stamps and some yummy MOO cards too. Does she ROCK?
Also in this week was another unexpected surprise from Mary Ann. Yep, swooned at the envelope and all the goodness inside.
I know you wish you could see the
detail of the devilish message on
the package.
Isn't she a scream?
Little did she know....
on the very same mail day that her
package arrived.....
the one below came from Tally.
Grave dirt from Israel!
And one of the cards from her
new business, check her out!
Thanks girls!
I'd seen MOO cards talked about on blogs but I'd never seen a real one until I got the ones from Belinda, and then these lovelies from Johanna. I can see why everyone is swooning over them. These in particular are swoon-worthy, don't you think? Thanks Johanna - my friend met through The Crusades. Speaking of which......
Congrats to Pilar! How sweet is she? This Halloween card arrived - a clever eye sees it can double as a stencil. In fact I got this card from both Pilar Pollock and Anne Bagby AND I sent a few of the very same one. It's so cool when people GET you.
Chris made me smile today when she alerted me that Johnny Depp is on the cover of EW this week. (We get it delivered as a special something-or-other from Best Buy.) Little did she know the magazine arrived today and I thought the same thing she did, the he reminds us of a certain someone. I'm looking forward to Swooney, oops, Sweeney Todd, the Burton film, aren't you?
To end this swoonfest post - we have the whole next week off from school! Maybe I'll get my studio cleaned, or finish the rubber designs I meant to get done over the summer....or maybe I'll just sleep in every morning, and catch a few films (the list is long!) Maybe I'll paint Sam's room. Maybe I'll wrap up some unfinished projects. I've been wanting to visit Tarrytown - home of Sleepy Hollow, so maybe we'll take a drive up there. I am such a space I didn't realize we had the week off until YESTERDAY so I haven't planned a thing. What an expected treat - no schedules, no early mornings, no homework! SWOON!
EDIT: a few comments and private emails about MOO cards means I should post this.....I haven't done them yet but I can tell you from the ones Belinda and Johanna sent me that they are really cool, and very inexpensive to have made. The ones they sent are 1" x 2ish". Go here for more info: