I'm wondering if there is a new wave of soliciting taking place in the blogging environment. Within the last two weeks I have been sent emails saying my blog has been reviewed and I was approved to host advertising for xyz companies. Hello? Advertising? Has this happened to you? Why in the blazes would I host advertising? I don't even advertise my OWN company, anywhere (with the exception of link on here, does that count?)
I was also offered to switch to a different blog service, and there was another place that offered a stat tracker that promised blahblahblah. I won't even put a sitemeter on my blog. Who needs that much information? I find those things an invasion of sorts. Take a look at all the things a sitemeter will tell you, in addition to all the information they keep for themselves and you will cover your eyes and run the other way. I mean, if you were Amazon you might want to know what web pages were visited most, and where they were from, and where they went next, and how long they stayed, but a personal blog? Scary.
So to those who are out there "reviewing my blog" for advertising placement, no thanks. Take me off your mailing list. I don't want your $.
I have some really wonderful things to share with you - stuff that came in the mail from friends, and from etsy. I've set a goal for myself on a new format for this kind of sharing - hope to get it up during the weekend. But for now, thanks for letting me vent.
And have a good weekend!