I keep some of these relics on my desk. They remind me that there is always something new to be discovered. Imagine what the inventor of these 45 record centers would think of cassette tapes, compact discs, and ipods. New technology aside, even items that have been around longer than 45s have been reinvented over and over again. Need convincing? Step into Sephora and notice the hundreds of ways perfume can be bottled. Pop into a Hallmark and see how clever their Fresh Ink line is.
This weekend I took Fallon to an antique store which was more like an indoor flea market. She loves rummaging through all the stuff - old jewelry, vintage clothing, other people's stuff. She was fascinated by a telephone with a DIAL and a handset attached with a CORD. And she tapped away on an old TYPEWRITER. It made me think about my 45 centers....these things she only knows as relics. At one time they were innovations. The day provided an interesting perspective to see the world through Fallon's eyes.
When thrifting I rarely look at old books anymore. I have enough piled in this studio and they have fallen out of favor in my work. But this little green dictionary got my attention, and my $4, when I saw that it's owner was also a collector of four leaf clovers. Pressed within it's pages were at least a dozen. A kindred spirit. I also have enough Victorian Scrap so I didn't need to finger through the neatly packaged keepsakes except to look for those that had Roses as I'm still infatuated. Imagine my surprise to find one that was *winking* at me....holding up the Rock and Roll horns. Had to have it. HCIT?