Ok, follow me on this one....Do you know The Humument? (I wrote about it on Lisa's Gypsy Bonfire.) While trying to locate myself a copy (when they were still hard to find) I found out there was a miniature version called The Heart of the Humument, seen below. Well, I had to have that one too. Not sure they are for sale anymore but you can easily get yourself a copy of The Humument on Amazon.
That's the first part - and the second part is that the hymnal I got from ebay arrived today (thanks Aimee for the heads up). It was teeny, and filled with lyrics only, no music. (Heli's hymnal is way better!!) One might think - how many Finnish hymnals does one girl need? Apparently more than one! AND LOOK! Do you spy The HIMnal and the Heart of the HIMnal?
I'm also beginning to wonder, if I'm altering the books, should they be called HIMuments? No, HIMnal is much better - but can you see why I crack myself up?!!!! Good grief, I make myself so happy.