A special announcement....but first, check your smoke detectors. Practice your escape routes....
I will post an edit here when I have the order information ready. I hope you'll join me in rallying 'round Paula and her family. Keep them in your prayers, and while you are at it, pray for my brother and his family as they have been sandbagging for days in Moorhead, MN, with the hopes of fending off the flooding waters from their town and their home. Fire and water....I'm thankful for the four walls around me today, aren't you?
EDIT: I've loaded the new rubber sheet to Green Pepper Press. Keep in mind it is pre-order so won't ship for a few weeks. I set up a new shipping policy so this half sheet can go out by First Class mail, which is slower but cheaper! ($1 to U.S., $1.70 to Canada, and $3.00 elsewhere)
Thank you for all your kind words. Anam asked about a paypal donation address - that has been set up by Paula's friends and can be found HERE.