Check out this perfume! What clever packaging. One even sprays in color (then it fades). I'd love a whiff of it....might have to pop into Barneys next time I'm in the city to see if they have a sample. I wish my favorite room spray came in a can like this. THAT I could afford.
I've been tucked away in my studio doing a major overhaul and shaking off alot of stuff. It feels good to invest time in this place - way overdue. I've cleared a path so you don't have to hop on one foot to get around, and soon you won't need a helmet or tetanus booster to visit me here. All my books are finally in one place, all my spray cans, stencils, and brushes are neatly organized. I have 5 large plastic bins filled with bottles of acrylic paint. If I ever mention I'm going out to buy paint STOP ME. I can even see a cleared work surface. *faints*