Love love love cleverness. Love a good pun. Love cool tape. From Copernicus Toys. Their slogan: This tape goes to 11. *grin*
Thank you for the red apple searches. My mission is over. The story: our original cookie jar is long gone, but when my parents moved into their new home a few years back I sent Mom a new one. Since she hasn't been using it (doesn't match her color scheme) she is giving it back to me! Kinda cool that my new apple cookie jar is coming from her. We reminisced today about why she had the first one.....she thinks it was because we had a thing for big red apples. Me and her. My first word was apple. We would go to the Applebaum's grocery store and I would point to the big apple sign with a smiley face on it and call out "apple". I can still picture that place, and that sign. We would later refer to it as the Big Apple. Funny that I grew up in the Minneapple and now live near NYC. I couldn't find a photo of the old sign...but learned alot of cool history about the grocery store chain that evolved into Rainbow Foods, where my parents shop today!
One more kitchen memory: we had wallpaper with stripes of vintage-looking-fruit on it. I even tried to lick it after seeing Willy Wonka. The snosberries didn't taste like snosberries. *cracks self up*
What is your childhood kitchen memory? Have you reinacted anything from it in your own home?