I would love to be sitting under a blanket on this blustery day, turning pages of a good book. Instead, I turned over the last page of the wall calendar and felt the panic that unsues upon seeing *December*. Yikes. It feels like there is so much to do, doesn't it? That is exactly the reason I started my Ruby Tuesday journal, November 2009. I was searching for creative therapy to maintain my sanity - not that the holiday season makes me crazy, but shelving my art does. Keeping a weekly appointment with art-just-for-me-because-it-feels-good-to-have-messy-hands was a rewarding experience that continues today. Yesterday, being a Tuesday, I gathered imagery inspired by the windows at Bergdorf Goodman. Other things came up and distracted me but that's ok. This morning I enjoyed the process of transferring, cutting, and playing with composition to create a RT spread. It's Wednesday and I am not even close to being done but I prefer to leave things unfinished in my studio - it motivates me to get back there, and to pick up the momentum upon my return. Here is where I left off....
Maybe I'll be done by next Tuesday. Maybe not. The hour spent *in process* was not only a step toward completion, but it opened my mind to many other related ideas. My wheels are spinning, and sometimes that is enough while I tend to real life deadlines.
I wish you a happy December, a happy Hanukkah, and a peaceful moment each day to catch your breath and believe it will all get done.