Do you get the Painter's Key newletter by Robert Genn? If not, visit here. He shares his observations and insights as an artist. A recent favorite is THIS ONE. He addresses the concern that some teachers may feel, that by sharing what they know the field becomes more competitive. One might think that if you impart too much you are empowering those that might outshine you. I disagree.
A good teacher will inform and encourage, so you learn some new skills, and draw on your strengths to determine your own style without imitating theirs. Like the quote Robert shared from Thomas Jefferson, lighting your candle off someone elses doesn't eliminate the original flame. In fact, the world becomes brighter.
Have you ever been at an event, like maybe in church, when a room is transformed from darkness into a warm glow as participants each light their candle from just one? It is glorious. THAT is a perfect visual for sharing your light, your love, your talent, your enthusiasm. I say spread it.