Yesterday at the check out a shiny penny in my coin purse caught my eye. It was then that I discovered a new 'tails' side. In that same purse was a wheat wreath penny as well as several Lincoln Memorials. Not only was it a moment of awareness of the new issue coin, but cool that I had the older one too (1945).
How many pennies have you forked over without looking at them? Did you know there are now seven different backs in circulation? The BiCentennial of Lincoln's birth (2009) brought four special issue tails.
I pay more attention to the postage stamp special releases than I do coins and bills. I remember coming across the new design for the $20. I was like, "what? when did that happen?" The large face and added graphics and color was jarring at first, looking more like foreign currency than U.S. Have you ever visited a U.S. Mint? We went to the one in Philadelphia a few years ago was a wonderful experience. Loved seeing the pennies being pressed. Loved seeing the oversized original engraving sculptures of the images as well as the sketches. Love American History.