I've seen this many times. It's a scene from the back door. I have passed by this image on the way to do laundry more than once. I see it and I smile. I know what this is and who did it. Yesterday I chose to photograph it because I never want to forget it. Sometimes we need to stop and take the pictures that remind us of the mental notes we carry of everyday life. This is evidence I will cherish. Someday we may not be living in this home. Someday a regular routine may change. Someday I might wish I had this photo.
This is the place at the back door at the top of the basement stairs where we keep a container for the recycling. Often, even when the bin has been moved to the side of the house or the front curb, I will see a small flattened cardboard item that Sam has left. He's good that way....knowing where it is supposed to go. Knowing it should be recycled not thrown out. As grown-ups we might toss the small box into the trash since the recycling container is missing. This small gesture reveals alot - it not only says that he pays attention to the rules, it reminds me that he loves band-aids. AND it is a clue we need to get more.
On any given day if you are in need of a band-aid you simply go to Sam and he'll gladly share one from his pocket. It's fun to ask, even if you don't need one, because he loves to be the go-to guy.
This photo - such a little thing that is meaningless to most, opens up pages of monologue I could write about this son, this family, this life.
What photos should you take this week?