I'm attempting one more spread with orange. Thanks for the feedback on the last pages. I'm observing how little orange has showed up in my life. Not complaining. I'll stick with red. Photos to follow.
Let's take a walk through my garden. Here are a few views from the yard. I've lost count of how many roses have had the courage to open up, even in the rain. 19 bushes. I think I need one more. Let's make it an even 20. Hmmmm, what color? I have mostly red. Well, not red like long-stem-rose red, more like rosey-pinkish-red. I like the color....it's a little Shannon, and a little Michelle. I have two real pinks. One yellow. One pinkish yellow. Two yellowish pink. One 'hot cocoa', which is rusty with brown edges and smells delicious...almost cinnamon. I could use more pink.
EDIT: for Maryanne, Hot Cocoa Rose from 2009....
Yes, I think pink. Pink is the reason I started growing roses. But you knew that.