Before the sunny summer days are over, and the evening darkness starts to creep into the afternoons, I have a suggested project: Paper Casting. I've written an article about it for my column in Somerset Studio - the September/October 2013 issue should be arriving to your home, or your local bookstore soon. It's not required to utilize the sun to dry your casts, but it certainly makes it more fun to have them dry quickly, so you can 'harvest' them and refill for more.
Since I took alot of photos to support this article I chose to edit and leave out a few - the embossing folder casts were cool, but they were fabricated in a different manner than all the other casts so I didn't include for the article. I've been making and using paper casts for years, and have talked about them on this blog several times, but if you are new to the concept, perhaps the article will be know I love to advocate for Making It Your Own :)