With some of my handcarved stamps, I tested them for map-making.
Let's rewind a bit....to September 2014, when my awareness of earth shapes was heightened and kinda became an obsession. I was flying across the country and spied the round markings of land outside my window. I had been impressed on previous trips to the midwest - views of divided farm land and the occasional interruption by organic terrain, but I'd never seen such extensive patterning like I did on the way from New Jersey to San Diego, most specifically on the approach to a layover in Phoenix. The polka dots of green went on for miles, then suddenly ended at the edge of rock formations that grew and grew....likely part of the formation that would become the Grand Canyon further north. I pulled out the sketchbook and recorded some notes on my impressions, then started drawing. I got distracted by some other thoughts that channeled in....here are the pages:
More thoughts on the Evolution of an Idea coming next.