Last week I was privileged to teach to an AP Art class at our local high school. We had a great time pulling prints from the Gelli Arts printing plate, as well as plain old paper to paper printing of hand-cut collagraphs. After amassing a pile a papers, they created a small journal or a grid collage, or both. I will show photos from the event next week. Below is a practice print I made to get warmed up for class - using a stencil that is having it's three year anniversary today!
Not long ago I started paying attention to the changes at Pinterest. They seem to continually change their format - just when I think I get how it works, it changes. It's likely they don't actually change it that regularly, but seems like it since I don't visit very often. One new feature seems to be that they have figured out how to compile close-to-accurate numbers for how often a photo/graphic is pinned. It used to be that you would see an item pinned from your blog with a quantity of 10 or 20 next to it, then see the same item further down the page with a 15, 30, or 50. There was a photo montage from my blog that had registered over a 1000 pins and I thought that was pretty cool, until I visited it this week and discovered, because of the new calculating wizardry, that the pin is now on over 12,200 boards. (see HERE if you're on Pinterest) HCIT?
I can't believe it's been three years TODAY since these stencils came out. Designed in October 2013, they were released with Stencil Girl Products on January 27, 2014. Here's an abbreviated posting of my original.