Many of you already know this - I collect souvenir spoons. Gathered from places we've visited, it's a fun ritual to pull out each year and reminisce as we hang on our Christmas tree. One of my self-imposed assignments, on a long list of things I've been wanting to do, was to start journaling Christmas. I've been wanting to capture the stories, the traditions, and document the history of our decorations and ornaments. The easiest way to begin was to document the spoon collection. There are so many, nearly 70, that they get their own journal. The pages are a hybrid of handwriting and digital compositions. There's still a long way to go before I'm finished, but it feels good to have finally launched the project. You can read more about it in the current Somerset Studio - November/December 2017.
Telling the stories behind our spoons makes the collection even more special. It's an untraditional practice that has become a tradition for us.
What unusual thing do you do during the holidays? They are approaching quickly! Ack!!!