michelleward on Thursday, October 31, 2024 at 12:53 PM in art, article | Permalink | Comments (1)
The Autumn issue of Somerset Studio just arrived. My column is an article about scent/fragrance/smells and how I use them to create associations with creativity. Here's a sneak peek, which includes a workshop page I offer with labels for your scents. I also show below a snippet with a collection of wax with a label from a favorite candle gifted from my dear friend Lisa Hoffman. It's a treasure to have a friend who gets you, which she does...and we have similar taste in what we like to smell. Hope you've been enjoying the summer!
michelleward on Monday, July 29, 2024 at 03:28 PM in art, art meets life, article, cool stuff, lucky girl | Permalink | Comments (0)
Ooooh this was fun! I'd been wanting to find an artful way to use the disposable pods and once I got started with these pieces it was non-stop fun. Took a lot of work but it was worth it. Magazine on the shelves May 1st, or you can order at Stampington.com
Here's a sneak peek:
michelleward on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 02:04 PM in art, article | Permalink | Comments (1)
Happy New Year! Hope your holidays were grand.
This just arrived - the Spring issue of Somerset Studio. Feels like I've waited a long time to see these boxes in print since I worked on them in July and August last year. They were so much fun. I began with the idea of making just one, but soon it morphed into a series of four. Totally inspired by one of my faves: Louise Nevelson. As I write in the article, my first exposure to her work was more than fifty years ago when I was not even ten years old. She clearly has had a lasting impression on my and often influences my work. I will plug in a few older pieces, from 2001 and 2013. You'll also see me standing in front of one of her immense sculptures in the Newark Museum of Art. That photo gives you the idea of the scale she worked at - filling entire walls.
Here's a sneak peek at the article - soon to be in bookstores on February 1st, and always available to order at Stampington.com
After I made my first cardboard sculpture I went to make many more, then segued into cardboard journals, and taught many classes for both. Just love making use of readily available and non-precious materials. Making something from nothing. That's what I'm doing today - you'll see what I'm up to in the next article.
Thanks for stopping by! Again, have a happy 2024!
michelleward on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 01:56 PM in art, article, cardboard, cool stuff | Permalink | Comments (0)
This just in - the Winter issue of Somerset Studio with my article featuring an altered window frame. If you subscribe then you should have it soon - will be on the store shelves Nov 1st. One of my favorite mantras is "make it your own" which is why I gave that name to my column. This entire project is an example of that very concept. Here's a sneak peek:
And a paste-up of some materials used with the before and after views. Another terrific issue from Stampington!
michelleward on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 03:09 PM in art, article | Permalink | Comments (0)
As a follow up to my last article, this one illustrates my dimensional explorations with arm reliquaries. The issue just arrived and should be on the store shelves by August 1st, or already in your mailbox if you're a subscriber. This was SO much fun - definitely a case where you just can't stop. In addition to the twenty-something shown in the article, I have handfuls more. Below you'll see the sneak peek of the article, plus details of the tallest one I made, and another filled with sea glass that is part of my summer tablescape. I feel so lucky to have an editor that allowed me to really investigate this subject, and present across two of my columns.
michelleward on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 11:19 PM in art, article, cool stuff, lucky girl | Permalink | Comments (0)
The May issue of Somerset Studio has arrived in my mailbox and it's ready on your local bookstore shelves as well. I've had the unique privilege to be able to address this subject in two parts. I've been studying, then playing with arm reliquaries. Part 1 explains how I often begin with paper, and how that exploration became its own thing. In addition to the article there is a template page and an artist paper page. My intention was always to work dimensionally...so you'll see a sneak peek and then those results will appearing in the August issue.
michelleward on Sunday, May 07, 2023 at 03:18 PM in art, art meets life, article, cool stuff | Permalink | Comments (0)
michelleward on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 02:45 PM in art, art meets life, article, cool stuff | Permalink | Comments (0)
Revisiting a favorite theme....prompted by having leftovers from a previous project, and the fact that I finally started actually playing the game. Not long after I sent off my photos/text for "Opening Moves" late last year, my husband and I began the evening ritual of setting up the board and playing a few rounds. I got all kinds of ideas for projects, and this is one of them. Here's a sneak peek of the article - went on bookstore shelves August 1st.
michelleward on Saturday, August 27, 2022 at 02:55 PM in art, article | Permalink | Comments (1)
Coming to bookstores May 1st is the summer issue of Somerset Studio. The theme for this edition is Paper Personas. You'll see I did use some paper but was more focused on textiles and fibers. Making these three guys was such a blast....one of those "can't stop" kind of projects. Here's a sneak peek at the article, as well as the COVER (yes, I'm shouting!), and a close up of the box framed assemblage. It's always a thrill to see yourself in print....but truly an honor to get the cover. Thank you to my editor Christen, to my publisher Kellene, to Somerset Studio, and Stampington & Co.
michelleward on Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 04:33 PM in art, article, cool stuff, lucky girl | Permalink | Comments (3)
February brought a new article for my column in Somerset Studio. The theme was "Dressed to the Nines" and while the idea of fashion didn't resonate with me I did enjoy writing about mannequins, and my family connection to the business. Here's a sneak peek:
In the issue is a tip-in of one color chart I designed for my project. In future issues you may see another. Besides continuing my research on the mannequin business, I really loved inventing a portfolio for my Uncle Jerry, and had a blast stepping into his shoes...imagining what his studio, pin boards, sketchbooks, files, might have looked. I also stepped into the roles of inventing drawings and poses for his girls...not all the pages were shown in the article so here a few:
Special thanks to my cousin Patrick for sharing so much information about his connection with his mannequin experience.
I've been behind keeping up with this blog...my apologies. I didn't even wish you Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, or Happy Valentine's Day. Bad girl. Hope all has been well...and let me take a minute to say Happy St. Patrick's Day in case I'm not back here before then.
michelleward on Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 03:36 PM in art, art meets life, article | Permalink | Comments (1)
Last month the newest issue of Somerset Studio arrived. The theme was "nature", and I showed a canvas made earlier in the year. In addition to the article, Stampington included two of my photos for their "artist pages". I had a love/hate experience working on this large piece, and recognized how uncomfortable I am working big. I'm getting it figured out though and have actually tried a few more since then.
In my next post I will show a few more details, and show you all the stencils I used.
michelleward on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 04:47 PM in art, article, stencils | Permalink | Comments (4)
The Summer issue of Somerset Studio hit bookstore shelves in May. I just recently got my copy (thank you Christen), and now I can share my column about transforming wooden spools. Previously hosts for ribbon, these finds have been turned (pun intended!) into interactive image covered discs. I now use them as book ends.
Hope you had a safe and happy 4th! We saw fireworks this year from the beach of Ocean City, NJ. A perfect day/evening. Love summer.
michelleward on Monday, July 05, 2021 at 01:05 PM in art, article, cool stuff | Permalink | Comments (0)
And it's March! While it seemed like days slowly passed as we endured the restrictions due to the pandemic, suddenly we are approaching a year since the first lockdowns. All I can say is this: I'm happy it's almost Spring. Days are longer, sunnier, warmer...and best of all, there is hope on the horizon as shots reach arms.
Here's a recent article I did for my column in Somerset Studio. I talk about dialing up the scale and working on larger canvases. I'm made several since, and still use my little trick to help me move along. Sneak peek below. This issue (Spring - Feb/Mar/Apr 2021) is on the newsstands now or available at Stampington.com.
michelleward on Tuesday, March 02, 2021 at 09:39 PM in art, art meets life, article, cool stuff | Permalink | Comments (2)
A huge stencil sale begins tomorrow (Sunday, November 29) at SGP, and you'll have three days to make some terrific choices for yourself or for gifts! HERE are my designs, but there are SO SO SO many amazing patterns and images, so look around. Sale ends Monday, December 1st. Take advantage of the deal....you deserve a treat this year.
Go visit HERE. Use code joy25
michelleward on Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 07:41 PM in art, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Winter issue of Somerset Studio arrived this week. My column features Buttonhole Books - named for the style of binding. It was a really easy method to stitch together pages with an exposed spine. I loved it. There's something really satisfying about working on a project that just fits into the palm of your hand. Here's a sneak peek from Nov/Dec/Jan, out soon at your local bookstore or it can be ordered online at Stampington.com.
For the article I made three books, wrote my text, and took 20+ photos. Since the magazine was a little skimpy on what was shown I have decided to share many more views here, because I can! You'll see the completed books, as well as the full sheet painted papers used as a foundation. It's always fun to start a journal with paint + stencil backgrounds....great jumping off platform, and plenty of opportunities to enhance, elaborate, and unify a spread with more color, pattern, or repetitive motif.
Stencils in these books are from StencilGirlProducts.com and GreenPepperPress.com, as well as some hand cut designs. Rubber stamps used are from ShopTheInkPad.com and GreenPepperPress.com.
michelleward on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 02:19 PM in art, article, Books, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (1)
Another terrific bundle of creative videos from Nathalie's Creative JumpStart. The theme for Vol. 4 from 2018 is Now We’re Cooking: Mixed Media Art Recipes. My particular segment is titled: Let's Have TakeOut. Ha! Clever of me, right? It's about subtractive stenciling. Loved making the video, some samples from it are shown above.
Best of Creative JumpStart Vol. 4 is the fourth collection of CJS video lessons from the archives. You will receive links to 12 downloadable video lessons from Creative JumpStart 2018. This collection includes project and technique based lessons from 12 unique and super talented mixed media artists. Download the lessons to your library and enjoy learning at your own pace from a diverse group of Creative JumpStart classics. This collection is just $9.99 and available immediately. Get ready to JumpStart YOUR Creativity! Learn more and read a description of the lessons HERE
It's a good time to scoop up this deal, especially if you missed it back in 2018.
Here is a list of the 12 artists and their lesson included in this collection:
And here is a peek at the projects included in this bundle:
michelleward on Saturday, September 26, 2020 at 04:58 PM in art, cool stuff, stencils, workshop | Permalink | Comments (1)
I just got my copy of the new Somerset Studio - Aug/Sep/Oct 2020. My column is usually featured in "departments", and you'll see my name listed, but the article and art is actually by Kim Collister. My article is there, but found in the Table of Contents under "special features". Turn to page 122 (thanks Sharon for the heads up). The theme for this issue: Home is Where the Heart Is. Always a favorite subject for me, I made some art to hang in our home. I've been doing a lot of that lately and it makes me so happy to be safe at home and working in my new studio. Using up lots of painted papers on the work table, and a few special cuts of Italian marbled paper, along with the ever-faithful black cardstock, I made three pieces, driven in size by the frames I had available. Such a blast!
It's a terrific issue, grab a copy at your local bookstore or order online. You can even get a digital download HERE.
michelleward on Monday, August 17, 2020 at 05:17 PM in art, article, cool stuff | Permalink | Comments (2)
Another bundle bargain from Nathalie's Studio: Best of Creative JumpStart Vol. 3 is the third collection of CJS video lessons from the archives. You will receive links to 12 downloadable video lessons from Creative JumpStart 2017. This collection includes project and technique based lessons from 12 unique and super talented mixed media artists. Download the lessons to your library and enjoy learning at your own pace from a diverse group of Creative JumpStart classics.
The theme for 2017 was Mix/Match/Master and I enjoyed the assignment - sneak peek above.
This collection is just $9.99 and available immediately. Get ready to JumpStart YOUR Creativity!
Learn more, read a description of the lessons, and sign up HERE
michelleward on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 11:43 AM in art, cool stuff, workshop | Permalink | Comments (0)
My friend Nathalie is at it again - presenting a bundle of creative mini workshops, revisiting some projects that were revealed in 2016. Here's a chance to "jump" back in with her special offer. Best of Creative JumpStart Vol. 2 is another great collection of CJS video lessons from the archives. You will receive links to 12 downloadable video lessons from Creative JumpStart 2016. This collection includes project and technique based lessons from 12 different talented mixed media artists. Download the lessons to your library and enjoy learning at your own pace from a diverse group of Creative JumpStart classics. This collection is just $9.99 and available immediately. Get ready to JumpStart YOUR Creativity!
My assignment was Matisse + Spray Paint. Twist my arm, right? Had a blast making my first ever video. Learn more, read a description of the lessons, and sign up HERE
michelleward on Monday, June 15, 2020 at 10:36 AM in art, cool stuff, event, workshop | Permalink | Comments (1)
The newest Somerset Studio has arrived. The theme for this issue was using words in art. I literally used just one word, in many different ways. It's a little game I play with myself from time to time, to try something familiar in a new way. The first time I worked with Believer is explained HERE, a blog post from 12 years ago. You can read more about it all in the May/June/July issue - it's a very handsome magazine, filled with beautiful articles. If you don't have a subscription you could always start one, since shopping seems to be out of the question right now. Single copies also available on Stampington.com
In the article I mention that Fallon and I exchange "believer" items annually. We've had jewelry engraved, and in a pinch we will take a pre-made "believe" and dangle on an "r". Here's some of them....
And I also tell the story of how Fallon was deciding on which college to accept....when she saw the "sign" on my studio wall....the red R we placed behind our word years before ended up being the logo for the school she chose: Rutgers. Love when that kind of synchronicity reveals the right answer.
I'm off to look for the Super Moon. Last one of 2020. Hope you're staying well.
michelleward on Thursday, May 07, 2020 at 08:58 PM in art, article, cool stuff | Permalink | Comments (2)
This is likely the first time in my life that I haven't dyed eggs for the holiday. In these unusual circumstances, where buying eggs is limited at our store, it seems wasteful to use only to color, leave for the Easter bunny to hide, then toss before they start smelling bad.
Late 2011 I made these felted eggs, along with some collaged wood eggs for an article (Somerset Studio Jan/Feb 2012). I also made some wood burned eggs (HERE) which inspired an article I did on pyrography. (Woodburning article Somerset Studio May/June 2017). These collections come out every year, and remind me that Easter eggs don't have to be brightly colored and temporary. In fact, we don't even need eggs to celebrate Easter....because the real gift of the holy day is not something you set out on a table, but something you hold in your heart.
Wishing you a blessed day, whatever your faith.
michelleward on Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 07:00 AM in art, article, event | Permalink | Comments (1)
Getting caught up with you, I will start with some of my recent articles. Somerset Studio is now quarterly so the Spring issue is February/March/April, and was available on store shelves 2/1/2020. Stitching was this theme this time around and since I'm not much of a machine girl, I thought I'd so some more hand-stitching. I LOVED working in my fabric book a few years ago - you can see some of that HERE. An old technique (Civil War era), became new-to-me as I learned more about Penny Rugs. Gave it a try for this article, and a handful of the results helped me complete one of my fabric books from 2016. Here's a sneak peek of the article, and below are additional photos of the work I did - some are in the article, some aren't. Please don't go out and get a copy if you don't already have one - order online....and stay safe.
I will wager you have all the supplies you need to jump on the penny bandwagon. Felt, floss or thread, needle, scissors. Fun and easy to do. Addictive. Satisfying. Once they start stacking up you can decide what to do with them. Google "penny rugs" and you'll see both historical and contemporary compositions for inspiration and motivation. Great to have a distraction, that is a portable project - doesn't take up a lot of space and isn't messy. Let me know if you give it a try.
michelleward on Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 06:53 PM in art, article | Permalink | Comments (4)
It's a beautiful Fall day and it's hard to imagine that two months from today it will be Christmas. In July I felt like I was in a time warp as my mornings in the studio were spent making these ornaments, then by afternoon I was floating around the in pool. It was weird to channel the holidays while wearing my flip flops. That's the nature of working for a publication. This week I'm in the middle of a project that you won't see until February. In case you haven't heard, Somerset Studio is moving to quarterly for 2019. In a time where we've learned that Stampington has retired a number of publications, and that Cloth, Paper, Scissors has closed it's doors, I am grateful to still have this creative platform. I've been a fan and reader of Somerset since the inaugural issue in 1997.
With a handful of inexpensive supplies, you are poised to make a host of ornaments. Spend and afternoon with a friend, sharing your materials, and you'll have plenty of glittering globes to give away.
Here's a sneak peek of my article that appears in the November/December Somerset Studio:
Do you remember making similar pinned-sequin-ornaments as a kid? Chime in and tell us about it.
michelleward on Thursday, October 25, 2018 at 05:16 PM in art, article, chime in, cool stuff | Permalink | Comments (3)
The September/October issue of Somerset Studio just arrived, which means it will be at your favorite retail store soon (also available online at Stampington.com). When they announced the theme of Art Doll Extravaganza I had no idea that I would actually heed the call. But I've always wanted to investigate the Three Kings and so what started as a plan to work flat with layers of paper turned into polymer clay sculpture. I love PC as a medium, but definitely stepped out of my comfort zone when I embarked on these pieces. There were many casualties in the process, which led to better solutions and improvising on the fly. Don't you love when that happens? In the previous post I showed you my stencil on clay - that became the garment on Caspar.
You can read more about these guys in the issue - here's a peek at the article for my column, Make It Your Own.
If you're a regular reader you have seen my Nativity set, complete with the Wise Men. Even though I love the collection, I've been interested in making my own Three Kings ever since seeing The Little Drummer Boy when I was a kid. I'm so thrilled to finally have these guys completed and have so many new ideas for polymer clay!
michelleward on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 09:19 PM in art, article | Permalink | Comments (7)
Back in May I began what became an ambitious project. Starting with much different plans, the thing took on a life of its own and eventually morphed into using a familiar medium in a new way. I will show you the results tomorrow. Below is a sneak peek where I used my Damask stencil, rolled across it for an impression, then dusted with gold powder. LOVE how the powder sticks to the clay and stays there after baking.
New-to-me: using clay to mimic hands and faces. Here's a peek at the hand process. Stay tuned for the update on the finished pieces tomorrow.
michelleward on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at 12:17 PM in art, article, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (10)
So how cool is this? A few months ago Lorna from Martha Stewart Living inquired about my Frond Collection stencils. I've been waiting to hear about the results of the upcoming feature and found a copy of the magazine this week. (July/August issue). It was such a thrill to see my own stencil line (GreenPepperPress.com) along with Mary Beth's (StencilGirlProducts.com) in the article. The spread is also featured on the Martha Stewart website under DIY, see HERE. It's so nice that on the site, and in the magazine, all sources are listed WITH the project - unlike the old days where you had to read the fine print in the back pages to find contact info.
Thanks Lorna + Martha! Cool projects!
And in more stencil news - it's Mary Beth Shaw's birthday and she's throwing a party where you get to enjoy 14% off your stencil purchases today through Sunday (July 6, 7 8).
All designs are on sale - you can find my designs HERE.
Receive 14% OFF all StencilGirl stencil designs - Use code: MBS14
$100+ orders** CHOOSE 1 FREE Large STENCIL***
***You MUST put the L### in the comment box at checkout. Sorry, no exceptions.
**6 of the same size 10% discount is applied first! $100+ orders post-discount.
*Sale does not apply to wholesale accounts or StencilClub membership.
The stencil sale begins July 6th and ends July 8th at 11:59 p.m. CST
michelleward on Friday, July 06, 2018 at 07:15 PM in art, article, cool stuff, Current Affairs, event, stencils | Permalink | Comments (1)
The July/August issue of Somerset Studio is on shelves at your local bookstore now! In my column I show some of the Tea Books I've been making. It was 2001 when I made my first one, and have made several over the years - enough to fill a tea caddy. In May we had out all the tea fixings for an early morning viewing of the Royal Wedding....including scones with clotted cream and jam. I think I need to make a mini book for all the weddings I've risen early to watch. Back in April my two sister-in-laws treated me to a fun cream tea in England, so I made a little book about that event. There's always a good reason to make tea, and there's always a good excuse to make a sweet little tea book. Here's a sneak peek at the article:
Some images that got mentioned in the text didn't show up in the published piece - like the tea caddy I found to hold my collection of books. I scored this one at the Container Store - perfect fit!
And I mentioned in the article that the tea party book was shown in a cup I inherited from my Grandma Campbell. Here it is.
I love coffee every morning, but for special occasions we break out the tea. These little books are the size of a tea packet, and some have a string and tag like a tea bag. It's a nice departure to work on a small scale, and it's such an addictive process. Great for a gift, and a fun format for an invitation.
P.S. I spy my own work on pages 56 + 57 too as artist Edan Ruthan Miller makes a ring bound journal to remind her of ideas....clippings from one of my articles (HERE, May/June 2012) appear on her pages.
michelleward on Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 01:33 PM in art, article, visual journal | Permalink | Comments (10)
I've been nurturing a rose garden for ten years in honor of my sister. I love that the latest Somerset Studio arrives in May as it's the month I share a birthday with Shannon. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my visual journal that chronicles the past ten seasons of growth. I never thought I would ever be a successful gardener, so it was unexpected that I have become a rosarian.
(My mom even makes an appearance in my article....do you spy her?)
Two seasons ago my original rose bush passed 10 ft. tall.
Here's a view from the side yard in 2014.
In March we had a terrible snow storm (several actually) that brought down many trees in the neighborhood. On the left you'll see it didn't look promising for the roses, but then by the end of April, with some assistance of propping agents, they appear to be recovering.
And then this morning....I spied the first bud. The promise of another season. I'm so excited.
"Show me a garden that's bursting into life" from Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.
Are you a gardener? Have you started a garden journal? It's a fun process, especially during Winter as you wait for Spring.
michelleward on Tuesday, May 01, 2018 at 06:00 AM in art, art meets life, article, family, lucky girl, visual journal | Permalink | Comments (12)
Happy Monday. I'm the guest over at StencilGirlTalk - the blog for StencilGirlProducts. I think one of the hidden secrets of stencils is to use them as templates to help you draw. We all LOVE using stencils with paint, but how about relying on them to use with pen only?
Go see my tutorial! Disclaimer: once you start, it's hard to stop! Visit HERE.
michelleward on Monday, March 26, 2018 at 08:32 AM in art, art meets life, article, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (8)