When I have alot to get done I tend to procrastinate. I actually think it's part of my creative process. Sometimes I'll take up a mini-self-imposed-project that is totally unrelated to an article I should be writing and yet somehow it feeds me enough to get my thoughts focused and the words fall into place. I've been at the computer which presents a great tempation - not for surfing, but for messing around in photoshop. It's kinda related to my article, kinda.
You can see the photo I started with above. Then I made about 17 variations - all part of my self-teaching and keeping up with PS skills, but really, a procrastination. It's ok, I learned a few things today, even if I didn't get everything crossed of my list.
The party was a success - a perfectly ordered thunderstorm added to the aura. I will take more photos on the 31st as I didn't do the best documentation of Saturday. Thanks for chiming in on Fallon's costume and make-up rehearsal. Like a 13-yr-old, she didn't take advice from ANY of us but was adorable.