Get the stencils on your wishlist, or get a duplicate of your favorite for a friend - through Monday at midnight CST.
Visit Woohoo!
Get the stencils on your wishlist, or get a duplicate of your favorite for a friend - through Monday at midnight CST.
Visit Woohoo!
michelleward on Monday, November 29, 2021 at 05:26 PM in stencils | Permalink | Comments (0)
Last month the newest issue of Somerset Studio arrived. The theme was "nature", and I showed a canvas made earlier in the year. In addition to the article, Stampington included two of my photos for their "artist pages". I had a love/hate experience working on this large piece, and recognized how uncomfortable I am working big. I'm getting it figured out though and have actually tried a few more since then.
In my next post I will show a few more details, and show you all the stencils I used.
michelleward on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 04:47 PM in art, article, stencils | Permalink | Comments (4)
A huge stencil sale begins tomorrow (Sunday, November 29) at SGP, and you'll have three days to make some terrific choices for yourself or for gifts! HERE are my designs, but there are SO SO SO many amazing patterns and images, so look around. Sale ends Monday, December 1st. Take advantage of the deserve a treat this year.
Go visit HERE. Use code joy25
michelleward on Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 07:41 PM in art, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Winter issue of Somerset Studio arrived this week. My column features Buttonhole Books - named for the style of binding. It was a really easy method to stitch together pages with an exposed spine. I loved it. There's something really satisfying about working on a project that just fits into the palm of your hand. Here's a sneak peek from Nov/Dec/Jan, out soon at your local bookstore or it can be ordered online at
For the article I made three books, wrote my text, and took 20+ photos. Since the magazine was a little skimpy on what was shown I have decided to share many more views here, because I can! You'll see the completed books, as well as the full sheet painted papers used as a foundation. It's always fun to start a journal with paint + stencil backgrounds....great jumping off platform, and plenty of opportunities to enhance, elaborate, and unify a spread with more color, pattern, or repetitive motif.
Stencils in these books are from and, as well as some hand cut designs. Rubber stamps used are from and
michelleward on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 02:19 PM in art, article, Books, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (1)
Another terrific bundle of creative videos from Nathalie's Creative JumpStart. The theme for Vol. 4 from 2018 is Now We’re Cooking: Mixed Media Art Recipes. My particular segment is titled: Let's Have TakeOut. Ha! Clever of me, right? It's about subtractive stenciling. Loved making the video, some samples from it are shown above.
Best of Creative JumpStart Vol. 4 is the fourth collection of CJS video lessons from the archives. You will receive links to 12 downloadable video lessons from Creative JumpStart 2018. This collection includes project and technique based lessons from 12 unique and super talented mixed media artists. Download the lessons to your library and enjoy learning at your own pace from a diverse group of Creative JumpStart classics. This collection is just $9.99 and available immediately. Get ready to JumpStart YOUR Creativity! Learn more and read a description of the lessons HERE
It's a good time to scoop up this deal, especially if you missed it back in 2018.
Here is a list of the 12 artists and their lesson included in this collection:
And here is a peek at the projects included in this bundle:
michelleward on Saturday, September 26, 2020 at 04:58 PM in art, cool stuff, stencils, workshop | Permalink | Comments (1)
Back in May I began what became an ambitious project. Starting with much different plans, the thing took on a life of its own and eventually morphed into using a familiar medium in a new way. I will show you the results tomorrow. Below is a sneak peek where I used my Damask stencil, rolled across it for an impression, then dusted with gold powder. LOVE how the powder sticks to the clay and stays there after baking.
New-to-me: using clay to mimic hands and faces. Here's a peek at the hand process. Stay tuned for the update on the finished pieces tomorrow.
michelleward on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at 12:17 PM in art, article, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (10)
So how cool is this? A few months ago Lorna from Martha Stewart Living inquired about my Frond Collection stencils. I've been waiting to hear about the results of the upcoming feature and found a copy of the magazine this week. (July/August issue). It was such a thrill to see my own stencil line ( along with Mary Beth's ( in the article. The spread is also featured on the Martha Stewart website under DIY, see HERE. It's so nice that on the site, and in the magazine, all sources are listed WITH the project - unlike the old days where you had to read the fine print in the back pages to find contact info.
Thanks Lorna + Martha! Cool projects!
And in more stencil news - it's Mary Beth Shaw's birthday and she's throwing a party where you get to enjoy 14% off your stencil purchases today through Sunday (July 6, 7 8).
All designs are on sale - you can find my designs HERE.
Receive 14% OFF all StencilGirl stencil designs - Use code: MBS14
$100+ orders** CHOOSE 1 FREE Large STENCIL***
***You MUST put the L### in the comment box at checkout. Sorry, no exceptions.
**6 of the same size 10% discount is applied first! $100+ orders post-discount.
*Sale does not apply to wholesale accounts or StencilClub membership.
The stencil sale begins July 6th and ends July 8th at 11:59 p.m. CST
michelleward on Friday, July 06, 2018 at 07:15 PM in art, article, cool stuff, Current Affairs, event, stencils | Permalink | Comments (1)
Happy Monday. I'm the guest over at StencilGirlTalk - the blog for StencilGirlProducts. I think one of the hidden secrets of stencils is to use them as templates to help you draw. We all LOVE using stencils with paint, but how about relying on them to use with pen only?
Go see my tutorial! Disclaimer: once you start, it's hard to stop! Visit HERE.
michelleward on Monday, March 26, 2018 at 08:32 AM in art, art meets life, article, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (8)
The latest Somerset Studio has arrived - March/April 2018. My column features recent experiments with paper cutting to create shadows. The first photo is a close-up I took of one piece - derived from my Rose Window stencil. I've always been intrigued by illuminated dimensional art, and while I didn't take mine that far, it was a fun self-imposed assignment to create pattern and depth with paper and just a few tools. As I was turning the pages of the new issue, it was a nice surprise to land on Mary Beth Shaw's interesting article on pigments - there's a full page of my Maltese Mix stencil. Very cool.
michelleward on Sunday, February 18, 2018 at 11:06 AM in art, article, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (9)
michelleward on Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 07:52 PM in art meets life, event, stencils | Permalink | Comments (0)
The + Artists For Artists + fundraiser is nearly complete - we are at the finish line! There are a handful of sets left and I'd really like to sell out to maximize our total donation. If you've been meaning to jump in, now is your chance! We really appreciate all the support - it's such a great cause. UPDATE: ONLY 20 LEFT OF THIS LIMITED EDITION OFFERING. EDIT: SOLD OUT!!!!
In a few days all the funds will transfer from Etsy to my bank, then I will turn around and submit back to them on the Etsy Advocacy page, where they will match us dollar for dollar, to benefit Cerf+, making the safety net for artists a little bit bigger. With a total sell out we will contribute, with Etsy, $8000+. HOW COOL IS THAT?
This is by far the biggest project I've ever embarked on - a real learning experience. It's not a comfortable place for me - asking for donations. I never even did well selling Girl Scout cookies, but this project has become really important to me. Thank you again for hearing and responding to the promotions by the whole team, and for helping to spread the word. WE ARE NEARLY DONE!
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Just about five years ago we were getting prepared for SuperStorm Sandy to arrive in New Jersey. Who knew that hurricanes, or their remnants could affect us in the middle of the state? We have had a flooded basement more than once due to hurricanes! Luckily, with Sandy, our home and yard were spared any damage but we were without power for nine days. It was dark and cold - the day being even shorter because candles and flashlights don't make a big difference in November. We had filled our gas tanks, which was a blessing as there were issues with getting some after the storm. Our only warmth came from sitting in the car, motor running in the driveway, so we could listen to the radio to get caught up on news, and recharge our phones. One of us would run down to the corner store for hot coffee - never tasted so good. Once the power was back on, and the refrigerator restocked, life was nearly back to normal.
I simply couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose everything like so many have in recent tragedies. Hurricane, flood, fire, earthquake. At a time when one might want to turn to creativity to process the loss and escape from reality, or to continue making stuff because that's how you support your family, and all your resources are gone, Cerf+ is a resource that can help.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
michelleward on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 06:26 PM in art, art meets life, cool stuff, Current Affairs, lucky girl, stencils | Permalink | Comments (1)
Have you seen our fundraiser to assist artists? Our LIMITED EDITION Artists For Artists packets are selling fast. We've received glowing responses and it's been a thrill to see the orders come in from all around the globe as fellow artists believe in the cause. In addition to the prints of original art, you get a stencil of my favorite shape, the plus sign (or square cross). We included this as a fun tool for you to use in your studio to continue spreading positivity - we could all use more of that. With all that's been happening around us it can be a challenge to maintain a positive attitude, don't you think? Putting more + + + + + is a good thing.
If you are new to using stencils....where have you been? I'm only kidding. When you join our fundraiser you get the stencil/mask set all in one piece. The masks are tabbed in, and need to be sliced carefully with a sharp tool. See below. Also illustrated are the stencils and masks being used in a simple way - with paint directly on a surface, or with gesso as a base. My favorite method is to apply paint, then lift it back out. It's sort of a pull/push as you wipe away the paint, and reveals a nice line with less medium around it. I like the "keeps then guessing" effect.
Some of the artists in the project used the "+" stencil - see how they incorporated in into their original art.
Here I've used the stencil with silver leaf for the cover of my Silver Linings Journal.
And a spread from my Cardboard Journal, marking and cutting + + + + + + + +
I've framed my print...sits by the front door to wash positivity over all who come and go.
How about one for you and one for a friend? It's all good ++++
michelleward on Monday, October 09, 2017 at 01:55 PM in art, art meets life, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (2)
ALL stencils at are on sale this Friday and Saturday - July 7th + July 8th. It is Mary Beth Shaw's birthday and there are treats for everyone! 14% off your entire order! So many great designs to choose from - now is the time to stock up!
You can find my designs here: Michelle Ward for StencilGirlProducts. Be sure to browse around and prepare your wishlist so you're ready to place an order during the sale.
michelleward on Wednesday, July 05, 2017 at 08:50 PM in art, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (0)
Last week I was privileged to teach to an AP Art class at our local high school. We had a great time pulling prints from the Gelli Arts printing plate, as well as plain old paper to paper printing of hand-cut collagraphs. After amassing a pile a papers, they created a small journal or a grid collage, or both. I will show photos from the event next week. Below is a practice print I made to get warmed up for class - using a stencil that is having it's three year anniversary today!
Not long ago I started paying attention to the changes at Pinterest. They seem to continually change their format - just when I think I get how it works, it changes. It's likely they don't actually change it that regularly, but seems like it since I don't visit very often. One new feature seems to be that they have figured out how to compile close-to-accurate numbers for how often a photo/graphic is pinned. It used to be that you would see an item pinned from your blog with a quantity of 10 or 20 next to it, then see the same item further down the page with a 15, 30, or 50. There was a photo montage from my blog that had registered over a 1000 pins and I thought that was pretty cool, until I visited it this week and discovered, because of the new calculating wizardry, that the pin is now on over 12,200 boards. (see HERE if you're on Pinterest) HCIT?
I can't believe it's been three years TODAY since these stencils came out. Designed in October 2013, they were released with Stencil Girl Products on January 27, 2014. Here's an abbreviated posting of my original.
michelleward on Friday, January 27, 2017 at 08:52 PM in art, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (8)
On the newsstands now or very soon, the Jan/Feb Somerset Studio - with my article: Silver Linings. Made with gelli prints that were painted back in October 2013, I decided to finally USE THEM as they were in peril of being pitched. Pages are stitched together - a tip I got from my friend Julie Prichard in one of her online classes. I'm a Silver Lining seeker - trying to see the good in every situation, no matter how difficult. Quotes of affirmation, collected over time, now reside in this new journal. See the article for more about the process.
Don't miss out on the early registration discount for CreativeJumpStart2017. Offer good through the ball drop on Saturday night. Join in for a full month of creativity videos and giveaways - from 27 artists. Last year was so much fun - my first time as a presenter. Happy to be back again. Come along!!
michelleward on Friday, December 30, 2016 at 10:15 AM in art, article, cool stuff, gelli, rubber stamps, stencils, workshop | Permalink | Comments (4)
Just in - newest Somerset Studio. My Make It Your Own column for this issue is Draw The Line - got the title from a sign that hangs over my desk. We get so jazzed about stencils with paint, ink, gelli plates, spray paint....we often forget to just use with pencil or pen. Into the coloring book trend? Make some pages of your own with the assistance of stencils, and some freehand mark-making. Love the stencils you already have? Pump up the contrast by adding outlines - draw the line! Magazine hits the stands this week.
michelleward on Tuesday, November 01, 2016 at 06:00 AM in art, art meets life, article, manhole madness, stencils | Permalink | Comments (8)
Day 15: We are half way through the month - I think it's time to post a giveaway. Up for grabs are two of the stencils I've designed for The Ink Pad - manhole covers, of course. We launched the series earlier this year. When I was approached to collaborate with The Ink Pad my first idea is what you see below. I gave my most enthusiastic pitch - and they went for it. So cool we were all on the same page. Visit their online shop for the full collection of New York City themes stencils and masks, HERE. Scroll down to the comments section and leave your name to be entered in the drawing.
Here is the full set of the first collection - each stencil is 8-1/2" x 11". Order HERE.
Visit the Ink Pad when you're in the city because they have everything! Including wonderful classes. Or stop by their new online store HERE.
Leave your name in the comments section below to be entered for the drawing.
I will pick a name on October 22 at 9:00 pm Eastern time. Good luck!!
michelleward on Saturday, October 15, 2016 at 06:00 AM in chime in, cool stuff, manhole madness, stencils | Permalink | Comments (55)
A new class for August 13 - FLIP OVER NYC. Get it? It's a flip-style book you will flip over. Ha! Super fun to work on this one. Come take the class with me at The Ink Pad. Call (212) 463-9876 to register. Then on August 14 we will be making a Frond Chronicle Journal. Learn how to make your own stencil/mask sets (from four different materials), then use them as tools with paint. This one is a favorite and often requested. See samples below. Hope to see you in class!
michelleward on Sunday, June 12, 2016 at 06:14 PM in art, art meets life, cool stuff, event, lucky girl, stencils, workshop | Permalink | Comments (8)
The Ink Pad as released the next five stencils in the NYC collection. Another set of manhole covers and four patterns to coordinate. Mine arrived today - time to play!
michelleward on Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 02:24 PM in art, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (4)
Here are some of the sample tags I've made with the new Ink Pad stencils, along with brief descriptions. These are just pigment ink pads + stencils.
TIP: if you use wedge make-up sponges, cut off the hard edge so you don't get 'lines' when dabbing off the ink onto your tag.
michelleward on Friday, March 11, 2016 at 04:05 PM in art, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (6)
I'm so excited to finally be able to share this news - the first four in a series of New York stencils, exclusively for The Ink Pad. Shop online at their newly launched's only a few minutes old. Congrats Anna and Barbara!!
michelleward on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 03:01 PM in art, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (7)
Yes, we are ready for the big game. Graham has the menu planned and good smells are coming from the kitchen. My neighbor Emma came over to make Valentines. This year I taught her about dry embossing. We did it the real way, with brass stencils, a lightbox, and a stylus tool. After one I knew she'd be antsy because it takes alot of handpower and patience to complete. So then I introduced her to embossing folders and the short-cut for embossing. We will ran our die-cut hearts through the hand-cranked pasta machine (typically used for polymer clay - I've never made pasta). She finished a dozen in no time and then we moved on to addressing and decorating envelopes. Assignments are finished so we will open some of the Girl Scout cookies she delivered.
A reminder of using embossing folders with a pasta machine from 2011. Such a fun and fast way to get texture!
michelleward on Sunday, February 07, 2016 at 07:27 PM in art, art meets life, cool stuff, stencils | Permalink | Comments (7)
michelleward on Monday, January 04, 2016 at 10:25 AM in art, cool stuff, rubber stamps, stencils | Permalink | Comments (12)
michelleward on Thursday, December 31, 2015 at 11:59 PM in event, stencils | Permalink | Comments (2)
I'm going to wait until Friday to post our annual Christmas picture card as they are still arriving in the mail and I don't want to foil the surprise. If you've come by hoping to see my photo review of the Bergdorf Goodman holiday windows it will be here eventually. We usually visit NYC over Thanksgiving weekend with my mom but this year my parents are coming for Christmas (today!) so we are saving the event for this weekend. The digital composition below is created with some of my new stencils that will be released in 2016. I like to mess around with them in photoshop to see how useful they might be in real life. I'm excited for these too!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas. I always expect the reader interprets what I'm saying, which is: I don't know the particular holiday you are celebrating this year so please take these words as wishes for a glorious season with loved ones.
michelleward on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 09:10 AM in event, stencils | Permalink | Comments (8)
The January/February issue of Somerset Studio has arrived. If you've taken the Compose Yourself workshop with me then you've tried the exercise I illustrate and describe in my column. I first learned of it back in grade school - didn't know the term for it until a few years ago. Notan - the Japanese word for dark/light harmony. (I could insert a HIM reference here, as they have an album called Dark Light, but I will refrain.) You can see I used my chess stencil again. The full set of stencils/masks will be released in January.
Compose Yourself is on my schedule in 2016. It will be offered through Pratt School of Continuing and Professional Studies on February 13. Registration is open. CALL 855.551.7727 or follow link to register: HERE (type in Michelle Ward, using caps as shown)
Here is a sampling of my Pratt workshops this Spring. Visit my WORKSHOPS page for full descriptions and schedule.
And don't forget - if you plan on joining Creative JumpStart the $45 fee is good through 12/31. It will be $50 after that. Visit Nathalie's site HERE for all the details. My first video will be included!! HCIT?
michelleward on Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 08:07 PM in art, article, cool stuff, stencils, workshop | Permalink | Comments (3)
Who would ever expect that December would permit and extended season for spray paint in NJ? We've been lucky with the unseasonably mild weather, so I took advantage. If you follow me on facebook you've already seen the facelift to our coffee table. It was time for a sprucing up with a change of palette to coordinate with our revised colors in the living room. First painted in 2007, the composition included many of my favorite stencils from that time. Since then I've designed over 100 stencils for Green Pepper Press and Stencil Girl Products. My intention with the do-over was to use the new stuff, but it ended up taking a turn and I went with some hand-cut chess stencils+masks from 2008 as the focus, with multiple size checkerboards, alphabets, and my damask patterns as "noise". After revisiting the chess stencils I've decided I will be releasing them in a smaller size in January. Stay tuned!
I admit it was hard to say goodbye to the old table top, but I had a great time spray painting the new one, and I'm pleased with the results. You can see my post about the 2007 version HERE. Below are the before and after views:
And some close-ups, plus a view of my outdoor work space, near the rose garden. I finish the surface with acrylic spray varnish, and a glass top.
I cut these chess pieces stencil/mask sets in three sizes back in 2008. Loved using in my journals and for art-making. HERE is an archived blog post illustrating how the chess theme has been one of my favorites.
I'm going to be getting the chess stencils and masks into production soon - to be released in January. There will be coordinating checkerboards too! They won't be as large as the ones I used on my table, but they will be fun to work with on all kinds of surfaces. Can't wait!!
michelleward on Friday, December 18, 2015 at 02:41 PM in art, art meets life, cool stuff, stencils, visual journal | Permalink | Comments (7)
This just in, November/December issue of Somerset Studio. My article "Creating Opportunities" is about making the commitment to dimensional elements on your page before you start adding your layers of paint and collage. One of my favorite mantras, as a teacher, is to tell you to "Commit". Just start with one thing, then each decision you make is informed by the previous commitment. That's easy to say when you are working on a painted or collaged foundation. But once you have invested time in making a background it may be a little stressful to cut into it. I've observed this in workshops - we start with paint, then I hope to encourage some slight-of-hand tricks with cutting and folding, but there is a reluctance. So I changed my method of teaching, and we begin with the deliberate cuts and folds, then add the paint, collage, and stencils. The commitment to adding cut-out shapes, and the placement of where they are positioned, is not influenced by anything since the canvas is blank. With dimensional features established, you've created opportunities for how to proceed. See the magazine for more details, and many other terrific articles.
michelleward on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 04:56 PM in art, article, stencils, workshop | Permalink | Comments (20)
I've been enjoying these glorious days here in Jersey. Cool nights and sunny days. Not alot of leaf color changes yet - although there is an ample quantity of orange, but that's because we have construction everywhere. My roses are mostly done showing off, a few buds are trying to break out. Since I've fallen behind in trimming many of the old blooms have filled out as hips. I admit that I kinda like when I see the color change from green to deep orange, plus I love their shape.
Here are some hips from 2009, and some masks I made from Tyvek.
And an old journal page from November 2009.
Hope you're enjoying the Autumn, wherever you are. It's a motivating time of year - I'm always brimming with energy in October.
michelleward on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 04:01 PM in art, stencils | Permalink | Comments (12)
May is nearly here so that means the rose buds are starting to form, and the new Somerset Studio is showing up on shelves and in mailboxes. My column is about making your own songbooks, celebrating favorite lyrics to beloved tunes. I will be teaching Bohemian Rhapsody at The Ink Pad in NYC on Saturday, June 20th. To learn more see HERE, and to reserve a spot, call 212·463·9876 I'll provide the music, the lyrics, and the accordion book. Hope to see you there!
Consider making a song book as a gift - this one was made for Graham.
Don't you love that reading the lyrics makes the tune pop in your head? What song will you illustrate?
michelleward on Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 01:36 PM in art, article, chime in, cool stuff, stencils, visual journal, workshop | Permalink | Comments (16)